Learn how to heal by taking a cold plunge.Scientific Medical Research has shown taking a cold plunge offers a long list of health benefits. If you do it regularly, you will see incredible results. Join us in Central Oregon to do regular cold plunges to heal yourself.We know great spots. If you are interested leave a comment on our Youtube video. We will let you know when & where we will be going for a cold plunge next. Or join our Meetup here:
Increases Happiness.
It can truly make you happier! It is a powerful mood uplifter. This is the perfect cure for seasonal affect disorder in PNW Winters. When you enter the freezing cold water your body releases Norepinephrine. This naturally occurring chemical comes from the adrenal system and acts as a stress hormone, pain reliever and powerful neurotransmitter. It helps regulate your moods, decreases anxiety, improves blood flow to your muscles, helps mobilize your brain for positive action. It can improve your overall energy levels and Focus. It is the feel good Chemicals of your brain. It’s so effective in treating Psychological disorders like depression, bipolar disorder and panic attacks.
Improves Immunity.
Immunity is so vital to our Health now more than ever! Cold water helps boost your white blood cell count by forcing the body to react to changing conditions. Over time, your body becomes better at activating its defenses in an instant when you cold plunge regularly. This is extremely beneficial, especially with new variants of Covid, this gets your body’s natural killer cells ready to be ready for anything that shows up that needs to be fought off.
Increases blood circulation.
As soon as your body enters the cold water, your blood vessels start constricting, you can see your skin get pink to red in color as all the blood starts working to keep you warm and alive! his helps to reduce swelling and inflammation caused by the body sending too much blood to the affected area. Even better, the cold can actually numb the nerve endings and act as a pain reliever. Lot’s of pro-athletes recommend soaking in cold water after a tough workout. If you do Cold Plunges regularly you can really reduce inflammation and pain in your body. Fibromyalgia and Arthritis Sufferers swear by it!
Increases your Metabolic Rate, burns fat & causes weight loss.
helps you lose weight by increased burning of your “white fat” (that’s the really bad fat). This happens because cold exposure forces your body to rev up metabolism rates to get all the necessary energy for heat generation. It also starts to use yourbrown fat (aka “good fat”) to convert into heat energy. The rest of your body that is using energy, unrelated to heat production, starts burning up all the “bad fat” and as a result it creates incredibly accelerated weight loss!
Promotes Lymphatic Drainage
Your lymphatic system is a network of vessels that runs throughout your body, and transports waste bacteria and toxins away from your cells, like the body’s garbage removal service that effectively removes anything unwanted. When our lymphatic system isn’t circulating properly we can feel unwell, come down with more colds & viruses, have achy joints, infections, and a build-up of toxins in the body. Exercise & Massage help keep the lymphatic system flowing & Cold plunging also causes your body’s muscles to contract, which gives the lymphatic system a huge boost to get all those waste products out of the body.
Increases Thermokinesis.
This basically means, your body gets better at controlling your own heat, so you will feel warmer out in the cold, this helps to support your body from losing too much heat & can prevent hypothermia.
Activates Vagus Nerve.
It requires a certain amount of FOCUS & Mindfulness as you enter the freezing cold water, it can be very helpful to do some deep breathing before & during your Cold Plunge. This mindfulness activates your vagus nerve & decreases yourfight or flight, stressed out Sympathetic Nerve creating a deep relaxation felt throughout your body that can last for hours, likeA DAY AT THE SPA!
If you don’t believe Cold Plunging could do ALL that, why don’t you try it & See?
Join us for our next COLD PLUNGE in Bend, leave a comment to get more info, like & subscribe to learn more Health Hacks!
Hi. 😊 I think I could benefit from this in a huge way. I know about Wim Hoff, and wanting to try it, but I’m such a horrible cold weenie! Is it possible to do this when one has an aversion to cold? Great video, thank you!
Hi. 😊 I think I could benefit from this in a huge way. I know about Wim Hoff, and wanting to try it, but I’m such a horrible cold weenie! Is it possible to do this when one has an aversion to cold? Great video, thank you!