Health Fair May Holinshead Barn Bend
May 18th, 2019 Health Fair at Holinshead Barn!
Join us for our Fundraiser to Direct Mail to All of Bend!
Entry is just $5 & the first 50 Visitors will receive a Swag Bag full of Health Product samples, Apothecary, Wellness Coupons & more!
We will have an upstairs Healers Sanctuary featuring onsite Chiropractic, Massage, Sound Healing, Aromatherapy, Apothecary, Health Products, Health Foods & much, much more!!!
We have just 3 spots left in the Healer’s Sanctuary left!!!
Thank You to Our Proud Sponsors:
High Desert Law https://www.high-desert-law.com
Osteostrong https://osteostrong.me
Tidy & Flourish https://www.tidyandflourish.com
Bundle of Joy Infant Massage with Sara Weimers https://bundleofjoyinfantmassage.com/
Hempworx https://www.hempworx.com/Acbdlife
KPOV Radio https://kpov.org
Performances in the Lawn by
Oregon Tai Chi Wushu http://www.oregontaichi.com/home.html
Fairies of Glinwood Fae! https://oftheglinwood.wixsite.com/glinwoodfae
Hula Hoops
Local, talented Singers & Musicians!
More information to come about this event in our Spring issue of Bend Health Guide!
Bike to the Health Fair & get a prize!!!

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Please send me details regarding a healer’s space.
Do you still have vendor booths available? My business is Be the Masterpiece, and I am a nutrition and wellness coach focusing on healing following thyroid and autoimmune disorder. I also sell local Bend based Ablis CBD products. Thank you!!
I am so sorry, our Booth spaces are all sold out now, but I will let you know if anyone cancels.
I don’t know how to register as a Biker? I saw a FB post that bikers receive a swag bag? Is there an organized route from Bend with a group and a start time/start location? Can you provide more information so we can confirm 2 people? Thanks ~ Tracy Keene
Hi Tracy Keene,
We would love to have you ride your bike to our Health Fair & there is no sign up necessary, just come out on May 18th &
point to your bike & we will take your word for a Free Swag Bag!!! There isn’t an organized route per se, but if you wanted to
start a posse on our Bend Health Group Facebook Page, I am sure you could rally some others to join along, that sounds sooo
Hey there,
We thought we were out of town that weekend but our plan changed. Our there any vendor sports left?